"; } ?>

So its 27 now, as I said one can only live for once. This life is quite bored, sometimes I wonder what else I could do. Or should I ask what did I miss in my life?

I like to take risk actually, in fact I like to be a knight wandering around the world, killing assholes, being a jerk sometimes, saving people occasionally, taking credits from the people... Nah, or here in Hong Kong, at least I want to meet interesting people.

Graduated folks tend to be... very conservative, reserved, praising axiom, chary, in general it is bored. Or may be it is just the people in my working place have these attitude. I like creativity, excitement.. but I understand it is hard for them

However, as i said, one only gets one life, so whats the point if you cannot pursuit the thing you love to do?

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