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There are too many things wanna do, unfortunately one just get one life to live.

There are many readings and study to do lately, and all those volunteer works and deadlines, and about teaching DSE Eglish...
they are just draining.

Sometimes, I just wonder what else I want to do or I could do. I wanted to be a writer, a novel writer, writing sci-fiction and detective stories. My characters would speak all those dark sarcasm, living in an alternative timeline that nazi, imperial japan soviet still exists. You know its kind of bored if there is no villains in life. Well, someone act as the evil. People live in a world that have to fight against fascism, alien and supernatural; yet, they found tiny happiness in their everyday life. Ordinary people wouldnt dare to come out from their shelter at midnight. And then there will be no wifi, no data services, no smart phone, no people checking their mobile phones while they are out. Girls only allowed to wear short skirt. There will be no guns, gun are only for coward, instead we fight with fists and kung fu, world tournament 3 vs 3.... uh, and what else?

Or not, what could I do? Well, I suppose I could be a policeman? Fight against crime, writing reports, beat university students occasionally, sounds not bad to me too?

其他網誌共 7 篇


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