
The Importance of Envelope Printing to Enterprises
An envelope printing is a packaging tool. There are many kinds of materials for making envelopes. The most common is paper, followed by paper, plastic, kraft paper, etc. envelope printing are designed to hold thin and flat things and play an important role in establishing the corporate image and spreading the corporate brand. The envelope letter paper printing of Xinnuo Packaging Printing Co., Ltd. helps to enhance the corporate brand image and create a unique envelope printing design.
Letter paper is a kind of writing paper cut into a certain size and suitable for letter specifications. Letter paper is made of high-quality wood oars, which can be used as a tool for the company to write reports and summaries. The company's enterprises and public institutions generally customize their own stationery to improve their corporate image, professional publicity and other needs. Shanghai Sinoprint provides fast solutions for envelope printing and letter printing. A one-stop Shanghai printing service enterprise integrating design, output, plate making, printing and post-processing.
What are the specifications for letter printing?
The most commonly used letter paper for printing is usually 16K, or 28.5 * 21cm. Of course, every enterprise company has put forward the idea of stationery to meet its needs. Before printing, you need to know which letter size is best for you.
Common letter printing paper: general corporate customers use 70g, 80g, 100g, 120g and other double offset paper. Some customers have high requirements for quality and brand, and will use other art paper or special paper for printing.
What are the specifications of domestic and international envelopes? How are dimensions calculated?
Envelope 1 165 × 102mm Envelope 2 176 × 110mm Envelope 3 176 × 125mm
Envelope 4 208 × 110mm Envelope 5 220 × 110mm envelope 6 230 × 120mm
Envelope 7 230 × 160mm Envelope 8 309 × 120mm Envelope 9 324 × 229mm

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