
VIE-YA (冬眠英文版) 薜凱琪

作曲: 王菀之
填詞: 薜凱琪
編曲: 王菀之

Light's dimmed, Hair down,
Printing a portrait of maybe you and me.
How to, when to, tell you
I love you so you would hear this. DE-DA

Closing my eyes I see no other,
now that you've found me.
I was told and told that you've got me,
all my friends agree. DE-DA

I saw you holding her hands by that window yesterday.
I was out of luck I see.
I wish you were holding my hands by this window today.
My lock just fails me

*Find myself IN-VIE-YA DA DA DA VIE-YA DA DA DA DA...*

Perhaps tomorrow you'll just be waiting by my door for me
Or maybe I should tell you my name First.
CUZ you don't know me DE-DA

I saw you holding her hands by that window yesterday.
I was out of luck I see.
I wish you were holding my hands by this window today.
My luck just fails me.

Repeat * *

┼。o+波板糖*○。_ : 好聽丫........hee..把聲好令令唷!!
於 04年4月 回應
☆啟聲☆ : 唱得幾好聽丫^^把聲又好^^+你4分
於 04年4月 回應
〝菩* : 唱得好好*如果錄得清既話//好似原唱咁~>3
於 04年4月 回應
Ah_pon : You have a good voice. If you sing so good even when your voice is "not opened", wow..I would like to enjoy your singing once again when you feel your voice is ready. Support ya!!
於 04年4月 回應
*....小蒲婆.. : 好好聽呀~
於 04年4月 回應
wsxedcqazq : 10卜ar.../\/\
於 04年4月 回應

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