
Love Paradise
歌手:陳慧琳 | 作曲:陳光榮
填詞:Poman Lo | 編曲:陳光榮

*You're always on my mind
 All day just all the time
 You're everything to me
 Brightest star to let me see

 You touch me in my dreams
 We kiss in every scene
 I pray to be with you
 through rain and shiny days*

#I'll love you Till I die
 Deep as sea Wide as sky
 The beauty of our love paints rainbows
 Everywhere we go

 Need you all my life
 You're my hope You're my pride
 In your arms I find my heaven
 In your eyes my sea and sky
 May life be our love paradise#


§阿修羅§ : 多謝哂^^
於 04年7月 回應
+◎妙趣曲奇◎+ : +4
於 04年7月 回應
+◎妙趣曲奇◎+ : good..唱得唔錯︿︿不過依首錄得細聲左dd丫>v<
於 04年7月 回應

§阿修羅§ 只跟部份人分享這資訊。

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