"; } ?>

Diss on ABC and USA
Briandawg : hey eminem show....u dun even have your own name dude...so shut the fuck up....this is freestyle foo....u know shit man....u fucking fob..huh...pretending eminem,u understand what he rapping???fuck off u son of a bitch..u suck my cock..u mothafucker..
於 03年1月 回應
Hylasjanis : this song suckX, u guys should fuck off and shut the hell up!
於 03年1月 回應
~Snowviva~ : that's too mean to the ppl who r ABC. they dun have choice to be a ABC . they r born to a ABC. ppl shouldn't blame at them. it's all their parents's fault.
於 03年1月 回應
ric_mx5 : Hey "EMINEMSHOW" ... you suck bad time. and what's with that sign in name. lol man. get a life.
於 03年1月 回應
eminemshow : this rap suck cock!
於 03年1月 回應
ric_mx5 : This Website is pretty cool...
於 03年1月 回應
ric_mx5 : It's tightness!!!
於 03年1月 回應

其他歌曲共 1 首


最新公開試音歌曲 :     ABC american born chinese (03年1月)

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