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“The Guangdong visit is a success. We have discussed some issues and have progress in 4 areas, mainly in dealing with pollution problem and bringing a closer trade cooperation.” Hong Kong chief executive Donald Tsang said in yesterday press conference commenting the Guangdong visit. He stressed the importance of tackling pollution issues and to strengthen the trade cooperation between Gunagdong provinces and Hong Kong.

“If nothing is done, it can cause serious health problem to people living in the areas.” Donald Tsang said one of the major discussions in the visit is the method to deal with pollution problem.

There are 10 thousand factories in Guangdong and cause serious pollution in the provinces. Both Hong Kong and Guangdong officials are concerning the issue.

The anti-pollution office is responsible to organize the pollution issue in the Gunagdong province. The officials have come across 2 ideas to tackle the questions during the discussion in Gunagdong visit.

The first one is setting up Fund—10 billion Hong Kong dollars are used to buy some latest equipment to reduce factory-polluted gas to go into the air. Second step is to enforce law bending certain materials using in factory as the materials cause pollution.

Donald Tsang also claimed that they have to build up closer trade cooperation between the two areas. 19% of Hong Kong factories in China at Pearl River Delta and they employ lots of China people. There are a lists of problems exist in the areas, such as questions of setting up a comprehensive labour law and some financial questions.

“We will enlarge the Hong Kong-Guangdong trade cooperation association; it will make business to run smoothly.” Donald Tsang said it will help to check out the exisiting problems in the areas.


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