



 hi honey, how are you today and things over there,......................................................i promise you that , you are my everything and mean so much to my world, i love you from the bottom of my heart and the depth of my soul, cant wait to meet you in real , i will come and meet you in hong kong after i get home..please help me out honey...I want to forever be at your side, to love you and to argue with you, to laugh with you and to cry with you, to share with you and to dream with you. As we enter into a new phase in our lives, I want to be the one you love . I want to be the one who cares for you when you're sick and to be the one you take care of. As I do now, I will be the one who loves you like no other could ever possibly do. We share a connection that goes deeper than anyone has ever known. The road that we have walked together so far has not been an easy one, but you have proven to me, many times over, the kind of man that you are by walking it with me, at my side, spiritually if not physically. You have shown to me a commitment and devotion unequaled by any man. I want to give that back to you for the rest of our lives. We will share in a life of passion and commitment and love unparalleled. We will cross the bridges of troubled waters together and we will laugh and play together under the sun for many years to come. Others will look at us and pray to one day find that kind of love. We will be the couple, who into their 80's (and beyond) who will still hold hands and share in a kiss in public. The love and devotion will shine around us like a beacon of hope for others. I have given to you my love, my heart and my soul. I will give to you my life, my compassion and my spirit. Should ever you feel weak, lean on me and I will be your shelter from life's troubles. Should ever you feel sad, come to me and I will help you to smile again. Should ever you feel anger, bring it to me and I will help you to find the compassion and forgiveness in your soul. If ever you should feel lost or afraid, step into my arms and let me lead you home to my heart again. And from this night forward I will love you with all that I am or ever could be, for without you I am nothing. You are the vastness in my universe. You are the sun and the light which guides me through the darkest of times. You are the moon and the stars that lend me my dreams. You are my hope when all seems lost, and you are all that I could ever dream of. You are my heart my soul and my spirit. ..john,


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