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It is said that when one still has interesting stories to tell, he is still worth to live. Surely I have got lots of stories to tell in my lifetime, but among them I must not forget every single scenes of the following story which I truly came across.
It was at last year hapless but, memorable Christmas that we had had our dinner in downtown as a celebration and were on our way home. I was concentrating on my drive, and, beside me was my pregnant wife Kathy who was now gazing outside at the alluring star-spangled sky. When I was about to have some music to adorn her enjoyment, she suddenly broke out, 'ouch! My stomach pains. ' 'Oh we must not visit that restaurant next time. The food is unclean,' I replied with my mind grumbling about the terrible traffic. 'No, it is different kind of pain! I think I am about to give birth..' she said with her distorting facial expression. Just as I started to get anxious about her situation and decided to dash directly to the hospital, the lorry ahead which labelled "CONTAINING INFLAMMABLE ITEMS" slowed down unexpectedly and I just could not react in time that our car crashed directly into the rear part of the lorry. Worse, there was an immediate big bang of explosion from the lorry that broke the windscreen of the car. 'Let's get out of here right away!' I cried in dismay. However, there was no response. Kathy had fainted away with her bloodstained legs! I reacted quickly and managed to get her out of the car after several attempts. Carrying her on my back, I hurried to the hospital with my greater power than ever. I ran, ran, ran on the congesting road, until my disloyal legs gave out and I collapsed onto the ground in a faint. The only thing I remembered right before I fainted was the crimson purplish fire of the explosion. The world then purpled down into complete darkness. I could see nothing nor hear anything.
I thought I must be dying.
Later, I found myself awake in a bed in a hospital. With anxiety and no hesitation, I asked a nurse about my wife's situation. She took me to another ward in which I saw Kathy lying on a bed. My lips began to tremble. I questioned her if my wife was okay. 'You are good-luck, sir. Your wife has born a lovely baby and she merely needs some rest.' she replied in calmness and brought me the baby. I caressed the baby on her face and all at once a feeling of joyance overwhelmed me. I mumbled, 'you are just as lovely as your mama. Be patient, my deary. Your mama will soon be okay and we'll celebrate this wonderful momentous day.'
This is a true story which cannot be more true.


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