
August in the plateau quietly spent, too late farewell came to the golden September. September is like a season full of flowers, with the joy of coexistence, not much fall of autumn fall. In such a beautiful season to meet the news of the new students, met the Teacher's Day, and life in the important people meet and express a sincere thanks to the heart and heart.

Talking about the teacher's vocabulary, I always think of that period of years of juvenile worry, there is a teacher and my high school campus in the endless talk about writing and life topic. Sunshine through the camphor tree cast not only mottled shadows, there is a passionate students and patience of the teacher's back.

Growing the road, the years are confused and long, that time I was a disobedient science student. I always looked out the window of the rows of trees in a daze, do not know what they need to learn next. I am in addition to Zhang Ailing said that the daydream of nothing, the time combination of the sun and the moon from the nail slipped away, and I have no feeling. I've been living for three years.

The teacher I have not been in contact for a long time, I did not win in that battle, my heart has been successful. Finally began to understand the mind of the most important things. It was in the high school, I was only on the third year of the results of the test is not satisfied. I disregard the family's opposition, courage, badly beaten, in fact, the result is still like the third year of the examination that the results of the college entrance examination, which makes me very sad. He did not say anything, but told me, "do not have to be too far away things in the university to start again." Now I know he is right, he passed the road of tens of millions of his strokes can give birth to flowers, Between, draw the beautiful Chinese painting of this world. He is like a night lighthouse, swim across my harbor.

As the stars guide us these confused students, with full strength to close and find their own effort is a worry, they are not the kind of distant things, more like a warm and can be a flame.

An idealist teacher, exhausted his life in literature, mottled, patiently listening to those minutes and seconds of complaints, with a wise way to guide us to start another possible life, the wisdom of the elderly insight into our hearts , Extreme tolerance we ignorant of the world ignorant. This is perhaps my deepest impression for the teacher Zhou.

He said to me, Wang Guowei three realms, I just remember these words trance, the order is how I really forgot. Last night westerly withered trees, alone on the high-rise, looking at the horizon Road. He has been learning attitude, tireless is almost a state. I often think about how he insists on a passionate study. I asked him, you just said to me as a teacher.

I have been afraid to contact him because I am afraid he is not satisfied with me, I may not be his best student, but in my heart kind of feeling I may be his most impressed students, when my age is not suitable for such a Time writing text, and my paranoid finally won the reason. He can do nothing to me, it seems that life should be the kind of as long as you live enough happy, no matter what kind of situation you will be harvested.

No vigorous, more is the high school those day after day of study, I am out of date writing out of me, not like others alone you let me stick, thank you, Zhou teacher, is a really not change from the text Our people, I always remember that he said the article is different from the composition. I always remember that he is loyal to the mind.

Drifting on the road, who can send this paper Acacia; sound dust shadow, who can take this few times sobbing. How can you keep the rush of the footsteps, tomorrow, my thin figure who went to miss, the day you grievance of the discourse who to listen to, life has long gone back, ordinary as I have called you miss, no disease Yin Yin words Have told you to listen, as a teacher, not like the teacher more like a student and no words do not say good friend.

If one day you come to Lhasa, I will accompany you to enjoy the blue sky and white clouds here. Zhou teacher, you are gardener, walk through the flowers, but you use your a sincere, not only tending the flowers, but also make you into a flower in a. I can not help expressing my respect.

As a normal student, after graduating from college may also be a teacher. If he can become a teacher like Zhou, he was like a teacher, the hearts must be grateful to God.

Mo on the flowers, the sun shines the earth, as deep as you, warm as you, devout as you, fanatical as you, charm as you. Thank you, thank you for having been with me for a passage, bless you, bless you and all the teachers can be peach and plump world.

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