

《Promises Don't Come Easy》

I should have known all along
There was something wrong
I just never read between the lines
Then I woke up one day
And found you on your way
Leaving nothing but my heart behind

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay
Well I promise anything to you

I've been walking around
With my head hanging down
Wandering what I'm gonna do
Cos when you walk out that door
I knew I needed you more
Then to take a chance or losing you

#What can I do to make it up to you
 Promises don't come easy
 You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time #
 That's the promise that I give to you

You never thought I love you
I guess you never thought I care
I was just too proud to say it out loud
Now I know to let my feelings go

So tell me

Repeat #

That's the promise I can give to you

What can I do to make it up to you...


顯示所有 17 個回應
zero^☆^ : 似傷風咁
於 05年10月 回應
花仔~賢 : 哈哈~特登黎踏你場架~唱得好好呀!!!支持呀!!
於 05年9月 回應
乖乖女^^ : twinky妳講到咁高深既?首明日恩典簡直好似一個人唱緊咁呀??
於 05年9月 回應
^^乖乖仔 : 把聲咁可愛既~~~好似傷風咁既~~~~~
於 05年9月 回應
〝菩* : 你把聲幾成熟wor^^
於 05年9月 回應
CYChung : 英文都得喎!好野~~
於 05年9月 回應
☆巴巴閉☆ : 幾好呀..
於 05年9月 回應
*ivy : 我來了!!!! 哈哈哈 =]
於 05年9月 回應
*dee : good@@english songO_O..
於 05年9月 回應
twinky~* : 柏丁 : 呢首都無咁似呀! haha~ 早期果d仲似呀!! 係我似佢佢似佢咁je
於 05年9月 回應

乖乖女^^ 只跟部份人分享這資訊。

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