

Idle away one's time, or from the first satisfy the vanity, or from the need to meet the Confidante begins with a smile, or from the luxury of the city began to. I do not remember, don't know oneself is when to forget yourself, forget simplicity, forget the dream. I have been into too deep.

City of catharsis quarrel I can't think of their face, can't think of them whose names, even can't remember where I met, coexistence

How long, only was in the habit of this city of China fire bright, mind wave moment crashing their guitars and rough voice.

It is a rom the summer to autumn rainfall years are not. In No one shows any interest in a Yuncheng suburb forest there, two tents, two

Rig, two couples. If a visitor, they put down the work, not to mind taking the trouble to show off his guitar. Regardless of whether you

Like, and they went to sing from the song, play music. Never ask whether you love, how to ask your rhythm, ask you to accept

And no, let engine roar. They are so, love will play, sing, jump.

I have no ear for music. Don't take table does not appreciate, not yearning, not the pursuit of. I don't understand their rhythm, do not understand the meaning of the words.

Singing is their love, so simple. Play the piano is their life, happy is good. Although this tent in the mountain there is only one

Millet, although tent small can only hold them, they still singing, playing, dancing, laughing, for whom did not halt.

When  know how to catching words to speak, how to map out a strategy work, how to seek immediate interests, how to wear for others

Needle wire, after how to cope with the examination, he used to fight for the title, purchase a car to fight, to become good. If I

Remember what life was originally?

Inside the city, I have settled down, has been integrated into the city. Don't write a poem to a girl; not for my niece a sleep

Before the story; no longer accompany their parents enjoy the mid autumn moon...... I sink in the purchase a car buy a house of suffering; sink in the sink in the fight. Bring home the bacon; material needs rules...... I have been integrated into the city, no longer struggling. This is me, think too much, be quick.

Che Ming from morning to midnight, a huge crowd, walking hurriedly. This is the rhythm of the city. This rhythm in no time to look at the roadside air

Jing; to the Chaoyang recite a poem; to hold love stay on the month, even to talk about a love with vigour and vitality, love is a

A word to listen, or pain or anguish, have to say. This is the rhythm of the city. This is me, think too much,

Be quick.

My childhood dream was to be a rich business, don't let parents struggling; school my dream is to love the person flat

Dull pale life; now I dream only a home. Perhaps from the city began then didn't have the right to love, only love

The opportunity and the responsibility for repayment. When the elders escape from suffering, but I fall into the crisis of survival.

I also want to hold the guitar, to an unknown place, make the parents money, eat potatoes, cabbage, do simple cooly, sing not knowing

To sing, play the jerky without learning. Deep in the town, it can only be in town for an ordinary people struggle. Few people can put

A leading personage dignity, put down the future, set aside prejudice, to do the things you want to do, say, sing to sing?

Few people will there lonely, poor, lonely search from the beginning to the end, dream, only for the joy of a smile?

We are all sea passenger, drifting too long and too tired in the island built. Chart on the endpoint, or no courage

Gas voyage, or forgotten.


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