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Do not be Homosexual
The morality of people is decaying, and the homosexuality, promiscuity, sexual art, whoring and drugs are always be found in the society. The fellow devotee seems to do the things of Fa, but he causes the trouble, such as the incest and homosexuality. Why are these people doing these things? Just as the master said, “Desire and eroticism are people's dedication, these things should go.” Desire and eroticism can give rise to the people's dedication.
Many people have the desire and eroticism in today’s society. Some even seem to have the homosexuality, promiscuity, incest and so on. Are these human normal behaviors? Nowadays, the master is giving us the way to practice, then everything should go naturally and the more important thing is practice. There are some difficulties in the way of practice, which is a part of our karma. The master is giving the different levels to us and using these to temper our willpower. We deserve the difficulties and we should face and bear them in a proper way. Everything is in order. We have no rights to change the way with human’s way.
The master said, “In history or in high-level space, people can practice or not, and the people's desire and eroticism are important, so we have no demands for these things.” Some fellow devotee still have the emotion up to now. Some people are still numb in the final stage of practice. We must be strict with ourselves and let the desire and eroticism go. We must be strict with our mind and let the acquired concept go. Learning Fa and practicing in the right way.

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